25 February 2012

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Catedral Magistral de Alcalá de Henares at 12:00

Educational Enrichment Program for Students with High Capacity developed by the Community of Madrid

Liudmila Matsyura – Organ concert with the introduction lesson on the construction and history of the instrument.


On February 25, was held in the Cathedral Magistral of Alcala, one of the many and varied educational auditions for students of primary and secondary education, have been scheduled for this course, by the diocese and the Profesor and titular organist of the Temple LIUDMILA MATSYURA. The primary objective of these classe -audition is to introduce students to the multiple possibilities offered by the Blancafort organ of the Cathedral of Alcala.
For more than 45 minutes Liudmila told the students attending the history of the organ, its characteristics and potential of this instrument to accompany the liturgy so as to give a magnificent concert as soloist, or accompanying other instruments.
Students carefully followed the explanations given by Professor Liudmila Matsyura and conducted numerous questions and showing interest in this instrument is known as “The King of Instruments”